Animal Law: Theories, Situations, Pets

About This Course
Animal law is a burgeoning area of law that is unique and interesting, applying many different disciplines and theories of law to develop creative arguments for animals. In this program, attorneys will learn the answer to “What is animal law?” Attorneys will also learn the legal theories that apply to different situations in animal law and the difference between emotional support animals and service animals.
This program is for attorneys who practice in this field or are seeking to understand and learn about animal law practice. Attorneys at any level of practice and law field will benefit from this course.
Learning Objectives:
Analyze the major components of animal law.
Evaluate the issues with animal law and the contradictions between “dangerous animal” statutes and animal cruelty statutes.
Identify the damages and the limitations imposed by the “pets as property” designation.
Review veterinary malpractice.
Identify pet custody.
Distinguish service animals, emotional support animals, and attendant rights with each designation.
About the Presenters
Kristina Bergsten, Esq.
The Animal Law Firm
Practice Area: Animal
Kristina Bergsten, Esquire is the owner and founder of The Animal Law Firm (ALF). Attorney Bergsten graduated from The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law and began practicing law in Pennsylvania in 2013 where she cut her teeth on a federal lawsuit involving the shooting...
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