Unveiling Professionalism: A Comprehensive Guide for Lawyers
This Course
Substance abuse, particularly by attorneys–given the demanding nature of the profession–is an issue of particular salience in contemporary times. This course evaluates the swell of illicit substance abuse by attorneys and the effects of such abuse on their physical health, mental health, communities, and professional practice. The course curriculum also surrounds surges in more recently popularized illicit substances, like methamphetamines and club drug abuse. Mr. O’Donnell also covers the effects of illicit substance abuse on law students with a case study of a previous Georgetown law student. Furthermore, this course investigates disciplinary proceedings and probationary requirements for recreational drug use among lawyers. Participants will examine the intricacies of the ABA Model Rule 8.3, leaving this course with a better understanding of the importance of drug education and prevention.
Learning Objectives:
- Evaluate the physical effects and withdrawal symptoms of illicit drug use
- Investigate the effects of illicit drug use on attorney professional practice within their community
- Identify more recently popularized illicit substances among veteran attorneys and law students
- Explore disciplinary procedures and probationary requirements for attorneys found guilty of recreational drug use
- Examine ABA Model Rule 8.3: Reporting Professional Misconduct
Production Date: 1/28/2024
About the Presenters
Christopher O'Donnell, Esq.
Greenstein & Milbauer, LLP.
Practice Area: Civil Trial Preparation (+ 1 other areas)
Christopher O'Donnell is currently a partner at the law firm Greenstein & Milbauer, LLP, and specializes in Plaintiff's Personal Injury Litigation. He is a member of both the New York State Trial Lawyers Association and the American Bar Association.BAR ADMISSIONSNew York, 2010New Jersey, 2009U.S. District Court District of New Jersey
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