Key Ethical Principles for Recusal

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Icon About This Course

This course offers an in-depth examination of the ethical principles and best practices surrounding recusal in legal proceedings. Aimed at helping attorneys navigate conflicts of interest while upholding professional integrity, the course covers the key ethical considerations for recusal, including when it is necessary to avoid bias and ensure fairness in legal matters. Attendees will explore relevant case law, recent rulings, and practical strategies for identifying and addressing situations that may require recusal.

Mr. O'Donnell also highlights the potential consequences of failing to recuse when appropriate, emphasizing the importance of compliance with legal ethics standards. Through real-world examples and interactive discussion, attendees will gain valuable insights into how to manage recusal issues effectively, whether they are seasoned practitioners or newer to the field. This course provides the tools to navigate the ethical complexities of recusal confidently and professionally.

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify key ethical considerations that guide recusal decisions in legal proceedings
  • Recognize the importance of recusal in maintaining fairness, impartiality, and professional integrity
  • Analyze situations where conflicts of interest may require recusal
  • Examine Relevant Case Law and Recent Rulings.
  • Review and interpret case law and recent rulings related to recusal
  • Apply legal precedents to current and hypothetical recusal scenarios
  • Differentiate between mandatory and discretionary recusal based on ethical guidelines
  • Explore the potential legal, professional, and reputational consequences of failing to recuse when required
  • Discuss ethical violations and their impact on legal practice

Production Date: 12/15/2024 | Closed captioning (CC) available

About the Presenters

Christopher O'Donnell, Esq.

Greenstein & Milbauer, LLP.

Practice Area: Civil Trial Preparation (+ 1 other areas)

Christopher O'Donnell is currently a partner at the law firm Greenstein & Milbauer, LLP, and specializes in Plaintiff's Personal Injury Litigation. He is a member of both the New York State Trial Lawyers Association and the American Bar Association.BAR ADMISSIONSNew York, 2010New Jersey, 2009U.S. District Court District of New Jersey

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