Effective Professional Communication for Lawyers

Credits in

General Icons 1.00 General

Practice Areas:

Skills Training

Icon About This Course

This program is meant to help junior lawyers communicate more effectively in professional contexts. Learning and analyzing relevant facts and law are critical skills, but attorneys’ understanding must be shared with others to be useful. Moreover, attorneys must analyze the right facts and law and share the correct results in the right way. Effective communication, in both directions, is vital to every part of successful communication for lawyers.

Attendees will learn about the types of professional communication that are most common for junior lawyers, including their specific requirements. Effective techniques for both oral and written communication will be covered, specifically active listening techniques for legal practitioners.

Although the program has been prepared with junior lawyers in law firms in mind, the content is valuable to any lawyer who wants to communicate more effectively.

Learning Objectives:

  • Analyze the different contexts for professional legal communication and important considerations for each
  • Explore ways to communicate more effectively, both orally and in writing
  • Investigate techniques for engaged and active listening

About the Presenters

Jon E. Gordon, Esq.

Haug Partners LLP

Practice Area: Intellectual Property

Jon Gordon is a partner in the New York office of Haug Partners. He has extensive experience practicing patent law, with particular expertise in prosecuting patents related to computers, networks, telecommunications, medical information systems, financial applications, and blockchains.In his practice, Jon takes advantage of his broad and deep technical expertise. He taught himself to program at age 12 and went on to earn a degree in computer science. He spent several years actively developing, maintaining, and extending multi-tiered intranet and Internet applications. His work experience also includes time as a trader on a derivatives floor.Jon is involved in all aspects ...

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