Traffic Law and the Fourth Amendment
This Course
Andrew Tallmer thoroughly reviews how the Fourth Amendment affects traffic law in this educational course.
Mr. Tallmer utilizes prominent court cases to exemplify how the Fourth Amendment applies to vehicle searches and questioning rules during traffic stops. The outcomes of such cases, including Kansas v. Glover, Lange v. California, and Byrd v. United States, clearly demonstrate the protection of citizens’ rights from unreasonable searches and seizures in the area of traffic law. There are many differences in laws surrounding searching homes and searching automobiles, as the Fourth Amendment regards them distinctively. Mr. Tallmer elucidates these differences with great clarity and scrupulously details the exceptions for motor vehicle search warrants.
This course is enlightening for any attorney seeking to learn more about how the Fourth Amendment is applicable to traffic law and how to protect their clients from unwarranted search and seizure.
Learning Objectives:
- Understand how the Fourth Amendment applies to traffic law
- Contrast how search laws apply to homes versus automobiles
- Apply Fourth Amendment motor vehicle protections to clients
About the Presenters
Andrew Tallmer, Esq.
Law Enforcement Officer Legal Advice and Training (LEOLAT)
Practice Area: Criminal Law (+ 2 other areas)
Founder, Law Enforcement Officer Legal Advice and Training (LEOLAT) (September 2016—present) Provide legal training and advice to North Carolina law enforcement personnel. Courses include law of arrest, search, and seizure, civil liability, canine law, and legal issues for special response teams.Concord Law School at Kaplan University Professor of Law (September 2001 — December 2016) Associate Dean of Faculty (February 2004 — June 2014) Dean of Faculty (June 2014 — August 2016)As Dean of Faculty, was primary supervisor of faculty. Responsibilities included course staffing, faculty development, addressing curriculum issues, and taking a lead role in faculty governance.Worked with Dean to improve efficiency of school operation without affecting quality of ...
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