Introduction to Blockchain Technology and the Law: A Primer for Attorneys

Credits in

General Icons 1.00 General

Practice Areas:

Intellectual Property, Corporate Law

Icon About This Course

Blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies present many complicated legal issues that attorneys need to be aware of to provide competent legal representation to their clients. In addition, blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies have created a new and emerging area of the law that attorneys should be apprised of and can also present opportunities for attorneys looking to expand their practice or be seen as legal thought leaders in their firm or organization.

This program will provide the legal basics and understanding of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies as well as recommendations on how you can incorporate blockchain technology into your legal practice while following legal obligations.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the legal aspect of cryptocurrency and blockchain basics for attorneys
  • Applying smart contracts and decentralized autonomous organizations
  • Incorporating blockchain technology into your legal practice

About the Presenters

Eric Guthrie, Esq.

The Cogent Law Group

Practice Area: Intellectual Property

Eric Guthrie, Esq. is a partner at The Cogent Law Group in Washington, D.C. Eric creates and manages the Overseas Buildings Operations (OBO) Facility Management (FAC) Training Department, which includes successfully establishing: a departmental mission statement and objectives, standard training objectives, and centralized technology training solutions. Eric is also the President & CEO of Better ME Better WE and the Director of Training Programs for the Government Blockchain Association (GBA). Eric also is a CLE trainer for the DC Bar and a Blockchain Legal Specialist. He serves as the Director of Training Programs for the Government Blockchain Association (GBA).Author, Blockchain or Die ...

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