Arbitration Over Litigation
This Course
This course presents the major issues and questions that arise during an arbitration. Mr. O'Donnell defines the process of arbitration and how it differs from litigation and other dispute resolution techniques. He explains pre-hearing issues involving the choice of the arbitrator, communicating with the arbitrator, the application of the rules of evidence, and pre-hearing discovery. Furthermore, he explains what happens if the arbitrator recognizes a witness during the hearing, how the arbitrator will deal with surprise exhibits, and the arbitrator's right to question witnesses. Lastly, Mr. O'Donnell will go over the unique aspects of participating in a virtual arbitration and effectively preparing for a virtual arbitration.
About the Presenters
Christopher O'Donnell, Esq.
Greenstein & Milbauer, LLP.
Practice Area: Civil Trial Preparation (+ 1 other areas)
Christopher O'Donnell is currently a partner at the law firm Greenstein & Milbauer, LLP, and specializes in Plaintiff's Personal Injury Litigation. He is a member of both the New York State Trial Lawyers Association and the American Bar Association.BAR ADMISSIONSNew York, 2010New Jersey, 2009U.S. District Court District of New Jersey
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