Child Abuse and Elder Abuse: Reporting Laws for Attorneys
This Course
It is crucial that attorneys learn and understand the details of abuse reporting so that they are able to make difficult decisions when abuse is suspected and prevent harm from occurring. This course on abuse reporting, for both child and elder abuse, will cover topics such as mandatory reporters, the specifics of abuse definitions, consequences for failed reports, and other important details that attorneys must be aware of. It will cover federal laws related to abuse reporting, provide several examples of state abuse reporting statutes, and include compiled lists of the statutes for all 50 states and other US territories. The Appendix will include complete lists of state-by-state statutes for several important policy areas of abuse reporting, as well as additional articles that cover recent developments and news in child abuse law.
About the Presenters
Christopher O'Donnell, Esq.
Greenstein & Milbauer, LLP.
Practice Area: Civil Trial Preparation (+ 1 other areas)
Christopher O'Donnell is currently a partner at the law firm Greenstein & Milbauer, LLP, and specializes in Plaintiff's Personal Injury Litigation. He is a member of both the New York State Trial Lawyers Association and the American Bar Association.BAR ADMISSIONSNew York, 2010New Jersey, 2009U.S. District Court District of New Jersey
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