Supreme Court Rulings: Criminal Law and Procedure
This Course
In this relevant and appealing course, Mr. Tallmer discusses current and recent Supreme Court cases and criminal law and procedure decisions. He goes through warrantless and emergency searches, including but not limited to smartphones, police use of GPS devices, and consent searches. Mr. Tallmer will also review how the Supreme Court ruled in these cases. Additionally, Mr. Tallmer discusses various topics of interest, such as the First Amendment and Sex offender Registrations, ineffective assistance of counsel, police civil liability, and jury selection challenges. This course is ideal for any attorney at any level of practice.
About the Presenters
Andrew Tallmer, Esq.
Law Enforcement Officer Legal Advice and Training (LEOLAT)
Practice Area: Criminal Law (+ 2 other areas)
Founder, Law Enforcement Officer Legal Advice and Training (LEOLAT) (September 2016—present) Provide legal training and advice to North Carolina law enforcement personnel. Courses include law of arrest, search, and seizure, civil liability, canine law, and legal issues for special response teams.Concord Law School at Kaplan University Professor of Law (September 2001 — December 2016) Associate Dean of Faculty (February 2004 — June 2014) Dean of Faculty (June 2014 — August 2016)As Dean of Faculty, was primary supervisor of faculty. Responsibilities included course staffing, faculty development, addressing curriculum issues, and taking a lead role in faculty governance.Worked with Dean to improve efficiency of school operation without affecting quality of ...
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