Abuse Reporting Requirements for Attorneys
This Course
The detection and reporting of child and elder abuse can present difficult challenges and ethical dilemmas for attorneys. There are mandatory reporting statutes in almost every state, with the requirements ranging from who is a mandatory reporter to what is required to be reported, depending on the individual state. In this course, the mandatory reporting requirements by state will be explored, along with federal laws, what filing a report entails, and the consequences for failure to report.
Attorneys have to deal with many difficult questions and responses when child or elder abuse is suspected. The action taken can directly impact attorney-client relationships and the child or elder's life in question.
This is a crucial topic that every attorney, regardless of their level of experience or practice, can benefit from tremendously.
About the Presenters
Christopher O'Donnell, Esq.
Greenstein & Milbauer, LLP.
Practice Area: Civil Trial Preparation (+ 1 other areas)
Christopher O'Donnell is currently a partner at the law firm Greenstein & Milbauer, LLP, and specializes in Plaintiff's Personal Injury Litigation. He is a member of both the New York State Trial Lawyers Association and the American Bar Association.BAR ADMISSIONSNew York, 2010New Jersey, 2009U.S. District Court District of New Jersey
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