Animal Law Practice

Credits in

General Icons 1.00 General

Practice Areas:

Environmental Law

Icon About This Course

Substantive laws that protect animals are few, and establishing standing to enforce those laws can be difficult. In this informative and exciting course, Ms. Dietz will discuss the aspects of Animal Law Practice that deals with pets, including but not limited to Pet Lemon Law, Pet Custody, and Animal Theft. Ms. Dietz will provide an overall understanding of animal law; she will begin this course by defining animal law and explaining different court outcomes. Furthermore, Ms. Dietz will go through practical estate planning for pets, what happens to a pet when it outlives its owner and pet trusts. Additionally, Ms. Dietz will go over veterinarian malpractice lawsuits and wrongful death or injury of pets. Ms. Dietz will conclude this course by exploring a case study on a dangerous dog case – "Zeus" and the county Court judge's final ruling and opinion on this case.

About the Presenters

Jennifer A. Dietz, Esq.

Law Office of Jennifer A. Dietz, LLC

Practice Area: Other

Jennifer is a frequent speaker on Animal Law in Florida and throughout the country. She has also spoken to multiple media about Animal Law, and to an array of diverse organizations, including humane associations, private charitable and civic organizations, meetings of The Florida Bar and of paralegals, and other such groups.In 2016, Jennifer was awarded the Excellence in Animal Law by the Animal Law Section of The Florida Bar for her work in creating the Animal Law Section of The Florida Bar, and for promoting Animal Law throughout Florida and on a national level.In 2009, she was awarded the Walter ...

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