Explore our brand-new 2021 Virginia Online Bundle. Covering a wide range of relevant topics from technology contracts to soft skills, our VA bundle allows you to complete 8 CLE credits online, including your two required Ethics credits.
Our online courses are available on-demand and can be viewed anytime on your schedule!
Online CLE Credits in This Bundle 8.00 Credits/Hours
Upcoming Teleconferences
Here are just a few of our upcoming lectures that you will be able to select from after purchasing this bundle. All teleconferences are 2 hours long.
Ethics Issues re Sexual Conduct and Discrimination
2.00 Ethics
Substance-Abuse of Legal Ethics
2.00 Ethics
Effective Communication for Lawyers: Best Strategies for Effective Arguments
1.00 General
The Six "C"s of Professionalism
2.00 Ethics
AI Terminator v. HI Humanator on the Legal Ethics Battlefield
2.00 Ethics