Explore our new 2020 Georgia Online Bundle. Covering a wide range of relevant topics from Judicial Disqualification to Trial Techniques and Mediation. This Georgia Online Bundle allows you to complete half of your entire CLE requirement online, including the Ethics and Professionalism credits.
Our online courses are available on-demand and can be viewed at any time, on your schedule, at your own pace!
Online CLE Credits in This Bundle 6.00 Credits/Hours
Upcoming Teleconferences
Here are just a few of our upcoming lectures that you will be able to select from after purchasing this bundle. All teleconferences are 2 hours long.
Ethics Issues re Sexual Conduct and Discrimination
2.00 Ethics
Substance-Abuse of Legal Ethics
2.00 Ethics
Effective Communication for Lawyers: Best Strategies for Effective Arguments
1.00 General
The Six "C"s of Professionalism
2.00 Ethics
AI Terminator v. HI Humanator on the Legal Ethics Battlefield
2.00 Ethics